Improving Self-Awareness
CourseSelf-awareness is developing an understanding your emotions and feelings. It is an awareness of the physical, emotional, and psychological self.
Developing Emotional Intelligence
CourseTaking control over the emotions that shape our lives can have powerful effects. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions, behaviors, and impulses, as well as apply this knowledge to the world around us.
Critical Thinking
CourseCritical thinking is vital to any kind of success, including your career and beyond. Simply put, critical thinking is a questioning approach to form a judgment or conclusion.
Being A Likeable Boss
CourseBeing more likeable is a quality everyone can increase and improve. Being likeable and a figure of authority is where some challenging conflicts can arise
Millennial Onboarding
CourseOnboarding new employees is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing their skills, knowledge, and value within the company.
Health and Wellness at Work
CourseA healthy employee is a happy and productive employee, which should be a goal for every organization.